Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
  1. Welcome to the new semester, a fresh start ripe with possibilities for reinventing our study routines and embracing new approaches! As someone who's just returned to college after completing a bachelor's degree, I completely relate to the challenges of getting back into the swing of studying. Last semester was a learning curve, and I've gathered some tips and tricks that have proven invaluable in navigating through the academic landscape.

    Just Start:
    The simple act of beginning can feel like scaling a mountain, especially when the workload looms large. But trust me, just picking up that textbook and reading one page can work wonders. Starting small diminishes the overwhelming feeling and sets the momentum for productive study sessions.

Photo by Dan Dimmock on Unsplash
  1. Find Your Study Spots: Establishing designated study spots, both at home and on campus, has been instrumental in maintaining focus and efficiency. Whether it's a cozy nook in my bedroom or a quiet corner in the library, having predetermined study sanctuaries eliminates the stress of hunting for a suitable spot and ensures uninterrupted study sessions.

    1. Break Down Tasks: Semester syllabi can resemble a labyrinth at first glance, but breaking down tasks into manageable weekly goals has been a game-changer. Instead of fixating on the entirety of the workload, I tackle each week's objectives methodically, which feels far more achievable.

Craft a Study Playlist: Music is my faithful companion during study sessions, but not all tunes are created equal. That's why curating a study playlist tailored to my mood and the subject at hand has been crucial. From energizing beats to serene melodies, having a playlist ready to match any study vibe enhances concentration and productivity.

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

  1. Attend Class: It may seem like stating the obvious, but the importance of attending classes cannot be overstated. Making the effort to show up and actively participate lays the foundation for academic success. Trust me, those seemingly mundane lectures often hold nuggets of wisdom crucial for acing exams and assignments.

    Embracing these strategies has transformed my approach to studying, making this semester a promising journey of growth and achievement. I hope these insights prove helpful to fellow students embarking on their academic endeavors. Share your thoughts and additional tips in the comments below—let's make this semester one to remember!

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

 Happy new year well I really don’t know where to begin. It has really been a long time since I took the time to write a blog post. Being a blogger is part of me and is just part of who I am. I have been a blogger since 2016 and for some weird reason, I find comfort in writing. I believe it is therapeutic in a way. this is not because I want people to read what I write but mote that it makes me feel good inside which to me is the crucial thing here. okay, enough rambling let me give your guys a little summary of what the past 2 years have been for me because y’all it has been crazy.

QUESTION: where have you been and what have you been up to?

Well, to answer your question I have been here but life happened and that is the best answer I can give. Let's see I was to graduate in December of 2020 but I failed a class and this was a required class I needed to pass in other to graduate. it was not in my plans at all but I had to add an extra semester to take only one class to be able to graduate in the spring of 2021.

Next, there was this thing called adulting and finding a job. I was able to get a great job 3 weeks after graduation which was a blessing but then I had to adjust from being a full-time student to being a full-time employee. This is a topic for another day but that was a lot more stressful than anticipated. to crown it all I had to move out of my own. campus housing and find my own place. If you have gone through a move and found your own apartment then you know how stressful this process is. I kid you not it has been crazy. All this happened within a couple of months in 2021, to be honest blogging did not even cross my mind because I was so busy.

Then let’s talk a little bit about 2022. Well this year I really was committed to getting back into content creation but I started the year with covid and that really took me by surprise but am all better now and that is in the past. That was a nasty little bugger but hey such is life. Another thing I really did not anticipate is work-life balance. Nobody told me, honey. I really struggled with it all of last year and this year too. feeling like I don't have enough hours in the day to even breathe talk less or do things that I consider a hobby impossible. One thing I am learning to do is to structure my time to be able to do the things I want to do and that has been working out great for me so fart. Keep you updated on that.

Lastly one of the big decisions I made at the beginning of the year was to go back to school. Yes, you heard me. I decided to go back to school to get my graduate degree. I am really excited about this because I start in the summer and this makes me really happy. this is going to be a dedicated post for that alone because I feel like that needs its own explanation. Because I am going to be a full-time student again, I am going through this phase where I am trying to figure myself out again and rebuild my routine. This has enabled me to do the things I love again like a blog and that is why I am here.

QUESTION: So are we going to receive more content from you this year or is it going to be like previous years.

The answer to that is yes. Not only are you going to receive a lot of content from me, but you are also going to receive different forms of content. I will be relaunching my podcast “ I said that” so stay tuned for that. I will also create a youtube channel in the future, so if you want to subscribe to that, you can. It is called “a new journey with Bertie”. there I will have a lot of long-form content and you would get to see the person behind the blog. I also plan to be more active on Instagram you definitely should be following me on there too., I hope I can live up to all the expectations that I have for myself but I will certainly try my best.

I will really appreciate the love and support on all these different endeavors. it is not going to be easy but I really hope you enjoy the effort I am putting toward making awesome and amazing content for you guys.

I really wanted to just catch you up before I start regularly posting content back on here. I would really appreciate your thoughts and ideas in the comment section. thank you all.

Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash
Hey guys I have been busting in the seems with ideas on what to write next. if you haven't read my previous post definitely check it out. in this post I will be sharing with you guys some ideas to keep busy during the self-quarantine period.

Are you at home out of your mind thinking to yourself what should I do to occupy your time, well I have a few suggestions for you?

Spring Cleaning:
This is a very good time to clean out your closet. you have the time to go through your clothes thoroughly and see which once that fit you and then once that don't fit anymore. this is the perfect time to clean your closet for real now. With respect to spring cleaning you should also do a good house cleaning. go through your drawers and throw out the junk, go through your mail and do the same thing.

I really don't know about you guys but I really can't be bored. the only time I will ever be bored is the day I don't have books to read. reading is amazing and it is a really good way to pass the time. it's finally time to read all the books you have been wanting to read. also its time to discover new authors and genres of books. so far as there are books you really can't be bored.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash
Watch movies:
Have you heard of the expression Netflix and chill? then this is the perfect time to do so. watch the movies you have been wanting to watch. also discover new movies, tv shows, and also different genres. if you have the time to have popcorn and a movie, that to me is a day well spent.

Go through your contact and call people:
we actually have time to catch up with old friends and family. we are always busy all the time and life is so fast most of the time. this is the time to look through your contact and actually call family and friends. Also, delete the contacts that are just taking up space in your phone you will be surprised how good that feels.

Digital cleaning:
Yes I mean clean your screens, but for real go through your emails and just delete a lot of stuff make up space and storage on your devices. I just did that and I gained close to 30gb on my phone and I was so surprised because I wanted to get a new phone for extra storage but I had a lot of junk on my phone. same with my emails. I have so many email addresses that serve their purposes don't get me wrong but having close to 10000 unread messages is a lot. taking the time to clean all of those out is a way to pass the time and also gives me peace of mind. Give it a try and let me know how it works out for you.
Photo by NoΓ©mi Macavei-KatΓ³cz on Unsplash
Hey guys! so I have been trying my best to bring you as much content as I possibly can, I am so excited to have a little more time to myself to concentrate on my blog. if you want more content from me I have been posting more often on Instagram as well as on my podcast so please don't forget to check out those other platforms as well for more content from me.

So most of us are going through self-quarantine and as a college student starting on Monday things have to go back to normal because the spring break is over and school resumes. tell me about it what a spring break. I had two weeks of spring break but I already feel like the semester is over and I should just pack up my books. But that is not the case I have to get ready for the next half of the semester and adjust to having my classes fully online. Some tips and tricks for staying motivated and studying during this time of self-quarantine are as follow;

Create a schedule:
Creating a schedule is one way to stay motivated. Having a clear vision about your day helps you get in the mood and it also helps you see what you have to do and that will push you to keep on track. with creating a schedule you could do it any way you want. you could make it as detailed as you want using the bullet journal method, a calendar or just by jotting it down on a sticky note, again it's up to you how you want to tackle this.

Clean your environment:
Yes I said it clean your space. a clean space is a clean mind at least I believe so. I don't know about you guys but for me if my space is dirty or just messy I find that I am very lazy and also very distracted. taking even if it 10 minutes to tidy up your space will do you some good. in that regard making up your bed also is a good way to get motivated. I am the type of person that when my bed is made up I really don't want to climb into it until its time to go to bed. so doing the small things all help in the long run.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
yes I know that there is a lot of stress on exercising during this period but actually it is very true. when you stay home all day you get weak and lazy and just don't feel yourself. exercise releases endorphins and also just makes your mind sharp and you are ready to tackle the day.

It is important to eat when staying at home and working from home or studying from home. again I don't know about you but when I am at home I tend to have very bad eating habits. I tend to eat late or not at all which brings down my energy and messes with my mojo so eating regularly and on time will really help you stay motivated.

Keep your schedule as simple and as normal as it was:
keeping your schedule simple is very important. I have the tendency to over cramp things in a short time. It can be very overwhelming when you have too many things to do and it can end up being too much and in the end you end up not doing anything.
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash

So this is a different post than i normally do but i feel like this is important and i am very very passionate on the topic. As an international student myself I know how it feels in this time of confusion. It is very scary when you live in a different country and in my case a different continent and don't have the option of going home. also a lot of international students don't have family in their host countries and don't have the option of going there and with campuses closing and closing their on campus housing it can be a scary thing. also since most of us work part time and don't have any benefits and don't get assistance from the federal government if you don't have family or guardians or any other source of income then it is difficult. also remember that international students can't work in the US without permission and mostly can only work on campus and with campuses being closed you can only imagine.
Photo by Hello I'm Nik 🎞 on Unsplash

in this post i hope you can understand how difficult it is to be an international student and i hope we all can show compassion for one another. also to everyone who is going through this tough time i hope we all can be safe and can overcome this obstacle together because we all need our lives to get back to normal. it has been a crazy couple of days and i hope we all come out of this ok. on the bright side we all have some time to ourselves and i believe we can take it negative experience and turn it into a positive experience. i am hoping that we can use this time wisely. as a student i have a lot of studying to do and i will definitely be posting a lot of content on my social media about school work on my instagram and i hope you follow me on there.
Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

to everyone i wish you all a happy spring break and i hope we all stay safe and in the end we all can get through this together.